İlayda Güler
Upon graduating from Saint-Benoît French High School, she went to France to study theater. She received training on writing, acting, scenography and clowning from trainers such as Laurent Berger, Daniel Fayet, Joelle Chambon and Phillipe Goudard. In her graduation project, she took part as an actress and scenography coordinator in Bertolt Brecht's The Threepenny Opera. She is doing her master's degree in modern and contemporary art history and theater at Paul Valéry University Montpellier 3 and she is writing her thesis on the relationship between the audience, perception, interest and space. She works on space, body and gamification in her field. She undertakes the role of a researcher in cinema productions, whose paths will often cross with the theater thanks to its use of the media more than ever, and she explores the roles of the partnership between the two.